
Awaken With Meria & Monnica

3/19/19 Awaken With Meria & Monnica. The power of numbers and focus; from hockey to Elvis; the left and right brain; Guru? Sun Bear -on students & teachers; love and healing; past lives and how they can be affecting you; can the news [...]

Awaken With Meria & Monnica

2/19/19 Awaken With Meria & Monnica. Who is Monnica Sepulveda? the work of Florence Shin; are you depressed? Stuck? Today’s show is about how to get unstuck and live your best life. Start the day with yourself and set your intention; [...]

Awaken With Meria & Monnica

1/16/19 Awaken With Meria & Monnica. We are in a Universal 3 year  in numerology -what does that mean? Difference between Universal and Personal numerology; Universal Month of 4; The Empress in Tarot; take your power back; the “I [...]

Awaken With Meria & Monnica

12/18/18 Awaken With Meria & Monnica. Giving and receiving. How to petition the universe for your desires; giving thanks; watch your words; trust the process; how to know when you trust; “let go, let god”; Reiki; WP5.0; Mercury’s [...]

Awaken With Meria and Monnica

11/21/18 Awaken With Meria and Monnica.  Thanksgiving is every day; what is being multi-dimensional? How to get there; how to start your day; handing our reactions to things; handling emotions; colorful gratitude journal; raise your vibration; [...]
