
Meria With Carlos Miller – Photography Is Not A Crime

2/24/10 Meria interviews multi-media journalist Carlos Miller. Carlos was arrested twice for taking photographs of police in Miami. Is photography a crime? What’s the difference when a cop takes a photo or a journalist does? Worldwide police [...]

Send In the Clowns – Meria & Dave McGowan -Laurel Canyon

6/22/09 Latest episode of Send in the Clowns with Meria & Dave. The saga of Laurel Canyon continues. Why has this story been hidden all these years? Dave & Laurel Canyon; Who were these people? Who were their fathers? Gene Clark – [...]

Meria With Swami Beyondananda – Cosmic Comic

8/29/06 Meria interview Swami Beyondanda, Cosmic Comedian; laugh-a-tives; humor and awakening; electile dysfunction; mad cowboy disease after 9/11/01; dis-armageddon, and lots more. Great show.       SUBSCRIBE TO LISTEN
