
Meria With Dr. Will Tuttle -Food For Freedom

7/17/24 Meria With Dr. Will Tuttle ‘Food For Freedom” Dr. Will Tuttle, author of the World Peace Diet returns to speak about his latest book “Food For Freedom, Reclaiming Our Health and Rescuing Our World”. The oldest [...]

Meria With The News

7/11/24 Meria With The News trumps horrific 4 yrs; trump/Epstein connection; Impeach SCOTUS; Boeing; Beryl; people crime; Ukraine; Israel; NATO; Shelley Duvall dead; SCOTUS killed rule of law; Ralph Nader; Moderna’s new mRNA bird flu [...]

Hell & High Water with Meria and Chuck Ochelli

7/9/24 Hell & High Water with Meria & Chuck Ochelli SCOTUS immunity ruling; more delays and cover for trump; 9/11/01; Patriot Act & Project 2025; Liz Cheney; Rudy Guiliani; Stormy; trump & Epstein; Project 2025 explained in [...]

Meria With The News

6/13/24 Meria With The News Saudis dump US dollar; Moscow suspends trading in US dollar; Russian warships in Havana Port; SCOTUS upholds abortion pill; IVF and idiots; DeSantis loses; Hunter Biden; G7; people crime; Mr & Mrs Alito’s [...]

Hell & High Water with Meria and Chuck Ochelli

6/11/24 Hell & High Water with Meria & Chuck Ochelli Whatever happened to civility? manners? Why the hate? The Alito’s and secret recordings; homeless dehumanized; devaluing life; you are what you eat; microplastics; todays “food”; [...]
