
Beef Up Your Spirituality

ย 6/9/17 Meria interviews Monnica Sepulveda, Intuitive Therapist, Numerologist and Medium. Spirituality is the most important reason we are here. How to stay in balance in an upside down world? raise your frequency;It’s ALL frequencies and energies; how to; spiritual vs. religious; daydreaming;visualizations;action;the science of numbers;One person CAN make a difference; living in the low frequency of fear; fear is the absence of love; how to disconnect; don’t go into default behavior;Einstein on energy;ET’s;attacks on light workers;center and ground; trump broke the trance of complacency; intuition doesn’t lie, trust it; how to protect yourself; meditation is concentration and lots more.









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14 Responses to "Beef Up Your Spirituality"

  1. dougj34 says:

    Thanks Meria, two shows in a row that offer solutions, factors I can be short on much of the time. By all means my vote is to keep the spiritually reviving shows coming. When I am reminded of the solutions I am also reminded that I allow myself to become overly distracted by the people who are highly skilled at distracting. I prefer to remain focused on life-giving resources but let the destructive stuff in far too often (volume is overwhelming eh!) when I go it alone or listen too much to the acts of criminals. Best to you.

  2. Meria says:

    thank you! I’m glad everyone’s enjoyed them so much! Thanks for your comment!

  3. pbraunschweiler says:

    LOVED, LOVED, LOVED this show! Thank you Meria and Monnica! I am also in the “Day Dreamer Group”, and had Spirit Friends when I was small. It’s kind of sad that in the environment I grew up in it was put off as a Great Imagination. I know my Spirit Friends are always with me to this day. Anyway, guess what Meria? I checked into FB this morning for a few minutes, and posted something about staying positive in this crazy world. I even said get out in Nature and hug a tree…Later I listened to this show at the gym. It seems we must be on the same “Wave Length”. Yes most definitely, if at all possible, make this a Regular! Thanks again to you both…

  4. JohnF says:

    I thought that show was really great and I am writing you to tell you that I would love to hear more shows such as this one. It gave me a lift and I thank Monnica and you for that So I am all for more shows like that one John

  5. Meria says:

    so happy you enjoyed it. Same frequency for sure! big hug and yes, there will be more of us!

  6. mysticjanet says:

    Yes,yes and yes!

  7. Meria says:

    Great. We’ll start this out as a regular monthly show on July 18th! hugs

  8. rebeccaann2017 says:

    Great show Meria…I love Monnica…another no BS spiritual woman! ๐Ÿ™‚
    I would love to hear more shows with Intuitives, Mediums, and Healers.
    Thanks for all you do!
    I love you ladies!
    Have a GREAT weekend! x.

  9. Meria says:

    Monnica will be doing a monthly show with me beginning July 18th! hugs

  10. rebeccaann2017 says:

    That is GREAT news…looking forward to that!

  11. sangria075 says:

    Hi, Meria

    Had to make a comment. Love this show. I was already familiar with Monnica, because I heard her on the Richie Allen show a few months back. She’s awesome. Also, I’m glad to hear you guys will be doing a show together next month.

  12. sangria075 says:

    Keep up the great work. We need more show like this. This nation and world is in need of some deep grounding and loving. ๐Ÿ˜†๐Ÿ˜˜

  13. Meria says:

    that’s for sure!

  14. Meria says:

    Monnica will be a monthly regular co-host!

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