
Meria With The News

7/25/24 Meria With The News Kamala makes her-story! GOP panics tries to sue Biden to stay on; Biden’s speech; debates? more trump lies & attacks; JD Vance – DUD; Netanyahu; Elon Musk; prosecutor vs.felon; neo-nazi’s; sudden [...]

Meria With The News

7/22/24 Meria With The News Biden drops out, endorses Kamala; who is Kamala Harris? cult in uproar; MAGA Mike; money flows to dems; will there be a debate? Israel; people crime; assassination attempt or mass shooting event? Russia on trump; [...]

Meria With The News

7/15/24 Meria With The News Judge Cannon dismisses documents case against the traitor; LIHOP or MIHOP at shooting at trump rally; how will he benefit? He’s back to his old hateful self, not even a bandaid on his ear; shooter: 20 yr WHITE [...]

Meria With The News

7/8/24 Meria With The News Project 2025 has trumps name on it 312 times, while he denies knowledge of it; shootings on the 4th; media pushes Biden to step down, not trump; Biden on fire at rally; J.D.Vance, traitor; Boeing; people crime; Hurricane [...]

Meria With The News

Meria With The News 7/4/24 What Independence? Broke away from a King 250 years ago, SCOTUS gave us a new King; more delays for trump cases; trumps open mic; Project 2025 by the Federalist Society -Hitler’s playbook; trumps big bucks from [...]
