
Meria with Tanya Harter Pierce “Outsmart Your Cancer”

7/30/24 Meria With Tanya Harter Pierce “Outsmart Your Cancer” Tanya Harter Pierce,M.A. joins Meria to discuss her books “Outsmart Your Cancer, Alternative Non-Toxic Treatments That Work” and “Outsmart Your Pet’s [...]

Meria With Dr. Will Tuttle -Food For Freedom

7/17/24 Meria With Dr. Will Tuttle ‘Food For Freedom” Dr. Will Tuttle, author of the World Peace Diet returns to speak about his latest book “Food For Freedom, Reclaiming Our Health and Rescuing Our World”. The oldest [...]

Meria With Dr. Neal Barnard “The Cheese Trap”

3/8/23 Meria With Dr.Neal Barnard “The Cheese Trap” Eye opening show about cheese with Dr. Neal Barnard founder of Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine, on his latest book “The Cheese Trap How Breakig a Surprising [...]

Awaken With Meria and Monnica

2/21/23 Awaken With Meria and Monnica. So far 2023 has been a bear! How’s your year going so far? Common complaints; look at negatives as lessons to learn; stay centered in the light; got aches and pains? Solutions given. Memory worries? [...]

Meria With Dr.Neal Barnard “Your Body In Balance”

1/29/20 Meria with Dr.Neal Barnard, President of Physicians for Responsible Medicine. Today we talk about his latest book to be released Feb. 4 “Your Body In Balance:The New Science of Food, Hormones, and Health”. Human hormones [...]
