
Meria With The News

6/20/24 Meria With The News Earliest solstice in 228 yrs; heat wave across US & Europe; Kim & Putin; 10 Commandments; UN on Israel’s extermination campaign; confused, slurring trump; people crime; Stars dropping dead; Disney; [...]

Tragedy and Hope with Meria & Richard Grove

3/29/22 Tragedy and Hope, with Meria and historian Richard Grove. Let’s talk about war crimes; Yemen, Ukraine, Afghanistan, Iraq; the true history of the making of Saudi Arabia; St.John Filby; water for oil; British created Saud; Bandar [...]

Meria with Richie Allen

3/19/21 Meria with Richie Allen. Richie Allen of the Richie Allen Show, UK joins Meria today. What’s up with the Royal family? Harry & Meagan; Piers Morgan; Prince Phillip, racist? Princess Diana’s murder; the film “Unlawful [...]

Meria with Bev Conover, Editor and Publisher of Intrepid Report

5/8/19 Meria with Bev Conover, Journalist, Publisher and Editor of Intrepid Report. 10,000 lies and counting from the felon-in-chief; we don’t have a democracy, we have the Oligarchy the founders set up; MSM; Constitutional Crisis; can [...]

Meria with Richie Allen

 1/18/17 Meria’s guest is  Richie Allen of The Richie Allen Show. Snow in Spain and Italy – weather modification;Dennis Kucinich on chemtrails and dept of peace; two sides of same coin – US election; what happens when trump [...]
