
Meria with David Icke – the Coronavirus

3/5/20 Meria with David Icke – the Coronavirus What’s the U.K.’s plan? who benefits? look to the outcome; Orwellian lockdown state? forced vaccines? censoring anti-vaxxers?evidences and coincidences; Wuhan’s Bio Safety [...]

Meria With David Icke

9/25/18 “Conversations With David“, Meria & David Icke. Lifting people up; his ongoing tour; the movie “Renegade” coming soon; the squashing of freedom of expression worldwide; DARPA and the internet -from free to [...]

Meria with David Icke

 3/14/18 Conversations with David Icke & Meria. The expansion of knowledge is the journey;demonization of alternative voices on social media sites;it’s all about censorship and controlling the narrative;mind control;UK banning RT;Russia;discernment [...]

Conversations with David Icke

 12/6/17 Conversations with David Icke and Meria. David’s tour, cancelled venue, false accusations;”Everything You Need to Know, But Have Never Been Told”, latest book; Zionist hate groups around the world; why Manchester [...]

Conversations with David, Meria & David Icke

 7/18/17 Conversations with David. Meria and David Icke. So called progressives are actually tyrannical; liberals;political correctness and “new speak” (Orwell); divide and rule; labels dividing us further;group think is group judgement; [...]
