
Golden Oldie: Meria With Dave McGowan on “Understanding the F Word”

11/16/10 From the vault of “Golden Oldies” of the Meria Heller Show, one of the early interviews with Dave McGowan is airing today. This interview was originally aired 12/25/02. It is as timely today as it was then. A trip to the [...]

Meria With Dr. Andrew Wakefield -Autism and Vaccines!

7/13/10 Meria Heller interviews Dr. Andrew Wakefield,MB,BS,FRCS,FRCPath. Dr. Wakefield lost his job in the UK and much more for taking on big Pharma and exposing the truth about the MMR vaccine and autism. We discuss his excellent book “Callous [...]

Meria With Ed Haslam – Dr.Mary’s Monkey

5/26/09 Meria Interviews Ed Haslam, author of the fabulous book “Dr.Mary’s Monkey“. Ed’s been in the middle of this story his whole life; what you hear will shock you; monkey viruses and cancer in labs in the 1950′s and 1960’s; AIDS [...]

Meria With David Blume – How To Fight Big Oil & Fix The Planet

12/1/08 Meria’s 3rd segment with David Blume, permaculturist, author of “Alcohol Can Be A Gas“. Ethanol and the atmosphere; we are living on a wisp on a ball travelling through space; alcohol is 98% pollution free compared to gasoline; [...]

Meria With David Blume – Alcohol Can Be A Gas! (part 2)

11/5/08 2nd interview with David Blume, Permaculturist, author of “Alcohol Can Be A Gas” ; WE have to solve the energy problems – can’t wait on politicians; WWII brought back farming and alcohol; war’s insatiable demand for energy; [...]
