
Will Tuttle -Living In Harmony With ALL Life


5/28/14 Thanks to Will Tuttle, you get to hear this entire lecture today! It’s fabulous. Meria heard it, asked Will if she could air it and he said yes! We are all related; recognizing the power of our meals;the great cover-up; the nature of intelligence;what goes around comes around;inheriting violence;our herding culture;the mind-body connection;The domination of the feminine;work and our culture’s shadow;eating for spiritual health;and way more. There are many great interviews with Will in the archives. Meria highly recommends his book “The World Peace Diet”. The music throughout is also Will. Enjoy.






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4 Responses to "Will Tuttle -Living In Harmony With ALL Life"

  1. debalexander2000@aol.com says:

    I was introduced to Will Tuttle’s work many years ago on your show. It was at a time when I had already become a vegetarian by fighting against my enculturation. I have lived as a vegan for months at a time in the intervening years, but there are so many animal “products” that I love to eat that I invariably fall back on sucking up cheese and eggs…and that splash of half-and-half in my morning coffee because it all tastes so good. This show is coming at the perfect time….right when I was forcing myself to look at how I am only partially living according to my personal sense of ethics. So, while I was listening to the show, I was diving into my fridge, pulling out and dumping all the remaining items that I “know” I should not be eating. Back when Will was learning to be a vegan, it was a difficult and highly restrictive way to live, but there is no excuse now. There are soooo many products available on the market to aid us in the substitution process. There are sooo many websites to give us recipes and to provide products for sale to keep us on track. As you so often say, we are not entirely powerless – we CAN vote with our forks. As an aside, I find that I hardly ever even USE a fork any more because the dishes I prepare are mostly able to be eaten with a spoon. Even salad fixings can be cut up into small enough bites and served in a bowl to be scooped up with a spoon. P.S. When Will says “the herding culture,” I actually hear him saying “the HURTING culture.”

  2. Meria says:

    I thought that entire CD was excellent. He covered stuff I hadn’t heard before. His calm soft energy makes his work so much more “palatable”, lol. Good for you!

  3. jennifer says:

    This was profound and makes me want to recommit to being vegetarian despite family’s arguments otherwise.

  4. Meria says:

    Why care what your family thinks? I’m been vegan 20 years now and too bad who doesn’t like it. I won’t put that energy into my body. I have
    a whole series of shows with him on site. I think you’ll like them all.

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