
Blood & Guts, with Meria & Jack Blood

 2/28/18 Blood & Guts, with Meria and Jack Blood. The truth movement hurt by trolls & rush to judgement; Dems in midterms; both parties fix elections;Russian propaganda to cause chaos, succeeds; kids want a new party; the generational shift and why we should be glad;Indigo kids have evolved; systems busters; trumps anti-gun laws – who benefits?using fear porn to fundraise;Al Franken;fear sells guns & wars; immigration is class warfare; inflation;Parkland-attraction and distraction; show us photos of the dead in schools & wars;Israel/trump/kushner;Fire & Fury-why did the democrats attack it?who trump admires;WW3 on deck?Wilbur Ross & trump;Goldman Sachs administration;Rothschild bankers in control;Amazon pays zero tax;No.Korea;trump mused about a terror attack saving the midterms; red flags in Parkland and much more. Support Jack’s work!







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One Response to "Blood & Guts, with Meria & Jack Blood"

  1. pbraunschweiler says:

    Thank you, Meria and Jack, for another informative, intelligent, and interesting “Blood and Guts”! I hope Jack gets the support that he needs to keep his fabulous show going. You and Jack are among the VERY few that actually bring reality (pleasant or not) to the majority of the world that seems to be Sleepwalking into total destruction…Thank you for all you do, and be assured that your efforts are appreciated!

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