
Meria with Donald Jeffries -Survival of the Richest

 3/7/18 Meria interviews author Donald Jeffries on his book “Survival of the Richest”. 1984 isn’t just a book anymore; mass shootings and inequality; no way out for the poor; does upper mobility still exist?In the Ghetto by Elvis;what’s changed? politicians guaranteed retirements; deaths of despair; trump’s tax “cut”-who benefits? Gary Cohn & Goldman Sachs;NAFTA,WTO,TPP;China and Mexico;Wilbur Ross;Reagan’s destruction;Unions;where are job perks today?price of rent vs. income; the poor pay more for everything; medicine for profit;Oprah -the rock star mentality;Ben Carson;Amazon pays no taxes; and so much more. Realize who and where the problems are and we can make the world a more equal place. I highly recommend this book.






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2 Responses to "Meria with Donald Jeffries -Survival of the Richest"

  1. robot says:

    It would be great if this guy were a regular co-host!

  2. Meria says:

    like most of us he has a job to pay his bills, but I will try and keep him pretty regularly on the show. hugs

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