
The Bigger Picture with Meria & Michael Reccia

8/7/18 The Bigger Picture, with Meria and Michael Reccia. Hard to connect these days due to the heaviness of the Field;Earth scratching an itch through our thought pollution;return to spiritual truth;Everything is alive;the movie “Extinction”;has technology taken over  thinking?bless everything;life flows through everything;the absence of the sacred;puppets of the Field of negativity;core vibration;you are building your next home;solidifying Earth-hardening of her arteries;most are unprepared for their next journey;dead to our true selves;materialism and ego;the longing for home;drama vs. experience;we change the world one person at a time.










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4 Responses to "The Bigger Picture with Meria & Michael Reccia"

  1. Meria says:

    Meria: This was the best show E V E R !!

    You and Michael led each other in and out of
    every sobject just as if it were scripted. Words cannot
    express how much of it hit home with me, or
    how many times the tears were streaming down my face.

    Thank you, dear one.

  2. pbraunschweiler says:

    “The Bigger Picture”, excellent and informative, as usual. These shows are such a welcome break from all the craziness! When I have my Flying Dreams, and something starts to wake me up, I’m like NOOOOOOOOOO! I want to stay here. Thanks, Meria and Michael, for your wisdom and love.

  3. lauramarie24 says:

    Fantastic show. Really enjoyed this dialog. Felt like I was right there, a part of the discussion.
    It was great being connected to the flow of consciousness that you, Meria, and Michael were creating. I love Michael, so insightful! My best to him. Thank you, Meria, another outstanding show, Love ya! 🙂

  4. Meria says:

    you are most welcome. I enjoyed it just as much!

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