
Hell & High Water with Meria and Chuck Ochelli

7/9/24 Hell & High Water with Meria & Chuck Ochelli SCOTUS immunity ruling; more delays and cover for trump; 9/11/01; Patriot Act & Project 2025; Liz Cheney; Rudy Guiliani; Stormy; trump & Epstein; Project 2025 explained in [...]

Meria With The News

7/1/24 Meria With The News SCOTUS gives Presidents new powers; the debate; trump should step down; Biden bounces back; trump falls back at empty rally; where’s the media on trump? the Gish gallop; SCOTUS weakens FDA/EPA, criminalizes [...]

Hell & High Water with Meria and Chuck Ochelli

6/25/24 Hell & High Water with Meria & Chuck Ochelli The end of Infowars? Julian Assange; Israel/Lebanon; trumps “sentencing”; corrupt courts; 10 Commandments; Steve Bannon; will the 8 yr nightmare turn into 12? SCOTUS dragging [...]

Meria With The News

6/13/24 Meria With The News Saudis dump US dollar; Moscow suspends trading in US dollar; Russian warships in Havana Port; SCOTUS upholds abortion pill; IVF and idiots; DeSantis loses; Hunter Biden; G7; people crime; Mr & Mrs Alito’s [...]

Meria With The News

6/10/24 Meria With The News Evidence trump pays people to be his audience; trumps brain glitches intensify; trumps probation hearing today; trumps campaign of hate; people crime; cop crime; Alex Jones loses; Bannon’s other case; Israeli [...]
