
Awaken With Meria & Monnica

12/18/18 Awaken With Meria & Monnica. Giving and receiving. How to petition the universe for your desires; giving thanks; watch your words; trust the process; how to know when you trust; “let go, let god”; Reiki; WP5.0; Mercury’s shadow; beware of self criticism; relationships are teaching moments; believe you deserve; the right brain doesn’t lie; the absence of the sacred; divination in the Bible; emotions – don’t let them run you; how to survive the holidays.











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One Response to "Awaken With Meria & Monnica"

  1. lauramarie24 says:

    Great show, Ladies! Thank you for sharing plenty of tools for creating a better
    life experience!

    And a Great Big HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Meria!!! Hope it is the best yet! Celebrate YOU! 🙂

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