
The Bigger Picture with Meria & Michael Reccia

8/7/19 The Bigger Picture, with Meria & Michael Reccia. Mother Earth is protesting; what do we truly want? madness & chaos? “Gods of Egypt”; the afterlife; what to do; Earth is quarantined; why would aliens want to visit us? Earth is not a galactic partner; everything is alive; life on many other planets; 18 months to go? compassion; are demons real? groups that control demons; black energies; we are creators; feeders and low vibrations; dominant thoughts; are your thoughts your own? embryonic angelic children; what do you focus on? suicide and unseen forces; background intent; drugs & alcohol; re-member every morning.








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2 Responses to "The Bigger Picture with Meria & Michael Reccia"

  1. lauramarie24 says:

    Excellent Show!!! Michael is a treasure! I didn’t find the show negative at all. Very enlightening and empowering. I plan to listen again. Thank you, Meria. Very Informative and thought provoking exchange between you and Michael. 🙂


  2. Meria says:

    thank you! Glad you enjoyed it.

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