2/1/17 The Bigger Picture with Meria and Michael Reccia. His new book The Spaces Between ; the color yellow; the current state of things; politics can’t be changed; change comes from within; can’t be tackled physically; why did you come here? why the experiences? When is enough enough? karma only applies here; on a broken merry-go-round; spiritual info is power; one organism; what is evil? aliens-do they exist? universe teems with life; the power of our spiritual mind; alter the script of the movie; you are the light; why maintain the effects of the fall?;discuss instead of argue; life review; time travel; memory or experience? linear time a direct result of the fall.
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Could we have the name of the tv show from the U.K.?
“If this is love, give me hate!” LOL ahahhahahhahahahhaha
Sicily rules!!!!
the tv show is “Timeless” and it’s American, on Hulu.