
Awaken With Meria & Monnica

 6/19/18  Awaken with Meria & Monnica. Today’s topics: chakras & right brain/left brain. Raise your frequency to a love vibration;Empath? How to protect yourself; your Third Chakra;Spirituality should be simple and a lifestyle; nature speaks of abundance; taking in the world info for awareness, not worry; time travelers; experiencers; recording for the future; solution to the illusion; does your house and car talk to you? house numbers; right brain thinking in a left brain world; color your world; don’t forget to use what you know works; how to cleanse and close your chakras; how to empty the mind before bedtime and much more.









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One Response to "Awaken With Meria & Monnica"

  1. pbraunschweiler says:

    Thank you Meria and Monnica for another fabulous and fun show! Many years ago, when I was reading one of the books by Shirley Maclaine, she said that there was a spot between the Heart Chakra and the Throat Chakra that was pink. She said that it needed to be worked on to actually become active. She called it the Peace Chakra, and that if more people worked on it there would be a much bigger chance for peace in this world. I was wondering if either of you remember that? Anyway, for about the past 20 years, when I do my Chakra work, I ALWAYS work on that Pink Chakra. I actually feel it getting stronger. Thanks for everything. Big hug to you both…

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