
Blood & Guts, with Meria & Jack Blood

 2/28/18 Blood & Guts, with Meria and Jack Blood. The truth movement hurt by trolls & rush to judgement; Dems in midterms; both parties fix elections;Russian propaganda to cause chaos, succeeds; kids want a new party; the generational [...]

Blood & Guts – Meria on Jack Bloods show

12/30/17 Special Encore performance thanks to Jack Blood and American Freedom Radio. Our year end wrap up and predictions. Enjoy. Recorded 12/29/17. Meria’s the 2nd half of the show.                 SUBSCRIBE [...]

Blood and Guts with Meria and Jack Blood

 5/3/17 Blood and Guts with Meria and Jack Blood. Our time on KFNX;Jack’s band;Jack’s new show on Mon & Fri at www.MIXLR/RadioFreeBlood; Books making a comeback;”The Last Bling King” “Survival of the Richest”; [...]

Blood and Guts with Meria and Jack Blood

 3/29/17 Blood and Guts, with Meria and Jack Blood. David Rockefeller is dead but his program lives on-his legacy and progeny; cronyism/nepotism trump; OTrumpa’s fascist regime;Chuck Barris;pizzagate and pedophile rings; divide and conquer;distractionary [...]

Blood and Guts with Meria and Jack Blood

 12/28/16 Blood & Guts with Meria & Jack Blood.Year end recap; sore losers, sore winners; retreads in trumps cabinet; stolen elections;Crosscheck & Korbach;microchip to vote? cognitive dissonance;unprecented election year and actions;Kissinger/trump/China/Israel;2016 [...]
