
Golden Oldie: Meria With Dave McGowan on “Understanding the F Word”

11/16/10 From the vault of “Golden Oldies” of the Meria Heller Show, one of the early interviews with Dave McGowan is airing today. This interview was originally aired 12/25/02. It is as timely today as it was then. A trip to the [...]

Meria With Will Thomas

1/16/08 Will Thomas returns to the show to discuss his EXCELLENT book “Days of Deception, Ground Zero & Beyond”. This is the most exciting book I’ve read in a long time. 9/11/01 in real time; what do to now – emergence; Doom [...]

Meria With Dr. Morgan Reynolds – The Lies of 9/11/01

7/5/06 Meria interviews Professor Morgan Reynolds on the lies of 9/11/01.North Korea’s missiles; Ken Lay; Vince Foster; Bldgs 5 & 6; MIHOP; were the videos faked; why did they shred the trees in Shanksville;Waco, Oklahoma City, JFK [...]

Meria With David Ray Griffin – The New Pearl Harbor

5/30/06 David Ray Griffin has authored over 25 books. Today he speaks with Meria Heller on his book “The New Pearl Harbor” about 9/11/01. why weren’t hijacker interviews included in the 9/11 Commission Report?  why the stand [...]

Meria With Webster Tarpley – 9/11/01 Synthetic Terror

4/5/06 Meria interviews Webster Tarpley on his book “911 Synthetic Terror, Made In the USA”. the phoney 9/11 Commission report; gatekeepers of the “left”; Ford Foundation and other gatekeepers passing as “alternative [...]
