
Meria with Richie Allen

6/26/20 Meria and Richie Allen! The heat wave in Europe; the stabbings in Glasgow; climate is changing; Nigel,Farage; the anti-semitism hook; race baiting; minorities are not the problem; identity politics; divide and conquer; Jeremy Corbin; [...]

Blood and Guts with Meria and Jack Blood

5/20/20 Blood & Guts, with Meria & Jack Blood. Michigan floods and trumps threats; Postmaster general replaced by crony – vote by mail? election fraud; replay of 2016; Biden; Weld; Amash; solutions; new “norm”? freedom? [...]

Meria With Donald Jeffries – Bullyocracy & Survival of the Richest

5/13/20 Meria With Donald Jeffries, Bullyocracy and Survival of the  Richest. Author Donald Jeffries joins Meria once again to discuss his books and what’s going on in America today with the Covid 19.I highly recommend BOTH books. Suicides [...]

Meria With Donald Jeffries – Bullyocracy

  4/1/20 Meria With Donald Jeffries – Bullyocracy Donald Jeffries returns to discuss his latest book “Bullyocracy, How the Social Hierarchy Enables Bullies to Rule Schools, Work Places and Society at Large”. Another must [...]

Meria With Bev Conover, The Intrepid Report

12/31/19 Meria With Bev Conover, Year In Review; 2020 on deck; what have we lost? can we get back on track; question everything – who benefits? foreign policy; Who’s to blame; limited hangouts; Baghdad; MSM lies from JFK to trump; [...]
