
Conversations with David with Meria & David Icke


11/25/15 Conversations With David. Meria with David Icke on the “now” of current events;Once you understand the hidden agenda it’s easy to predict;Potential for WW3 on deck as planned a long time ago – world control/fascist/police state;the global agenda;Putin pulled into Syria; China next? Paris set up; Edogan and Turkey; NATO; multiple examples of the continuing theme; 2016-2018; face reality and head it off; terrorists set ups for maximum fear;war on alternative media – why such a threat? all social media controlled by the Rothschild/Rockefeller/Zionist agenda;get active; SHARE the information;Give them consequences for their actions;moving towards total control of information;Is knowledge power? It’s happening NOW;understand the true nature of reality and lots more.





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5 Responses to "Conversations with David with Meria & David Icke"

  1. ScottHall says:

    It was an fantastic show Meria. Russia being pulled into the spider’s web puts them in a targeted position by the unseen. And the “lock down” of information is critical in understanding our predicament and its future implications.
    You and David are signaling this suppression and warning us of a possible informational shutdown. Not good.
    As you reflected yesterday, when is the “wake up” going to occur within our humanity family? Presumably, when one is forced to awaken and has no other choice…
    “Anoth’a hom’a” at the Polo Grounds Meria! Actually, with Jim’s newsreel yesterday, back to back “out of the park” grand slams!

  2. Meria says:

    Thank you! I thought it was a great week of shows too. hugs

  3. guygirard says:

    Great show Meria, i have his book and i am very gratefull to him for helping me and the world to Wake up.

    good comments Meria


  4. guygirard says:

    Great show Meria, i have his book and i am very gratefull to him for helping me and the world to Wake up.

    good comments Meria and am glad your here too


  5. Meria says:

    thank you! You too!

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