
Tragedy and Hope, with Meria & Richard Grove

10/31/18 Tragedy and Hope, with Meria & Richard Grove.  Being human; integrity- consistency over time; Meria’s 2007 speech “Be The Media“; news vs. spiritual; freedom, rights and free thought which equals civilization; mis-prioritizing; “Quote Worthy”; intellectual mistakes; MSM; internationalists; Israel vs. Soros; stolen elections; Cambridge Analytica & the UK -MI6; “Five Eyes”; trumps unsecured phone; accountability; f/b; Opium wars continue; trump-Saudi’s-yacht-Khashoggi; 9/11; John Gatto passed; compulsory “education”; “Working Class Hero”; Project Constellation 2006; insider trading on 9/11; the crash of 2008; civil war? another crash? chaos=profit and much more.






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