
Meria with Bev Conover, Editor of The Intrepid Report

1/23/19 Meria with Bev Conover, Editor of The Intrepid Report. Bev joins Meria for the year in review; the government shutdown and who it’s hurting; destabilizing the country; McConnell & Pelosi; the new vs. the old democrats; Veto Over-ride; who owns the media? white washing history; impeach? resign; Israeli bandwagon in Congress; AOC; democratic socialism; dumbing down of America; f/b a disaster; The Wall and trump supporters; transgenders and the military; the “supreme” court; dismantling America every day; MLK; question everything; Venezuela and US sanctions; Guiliani; smart tv’s, phones, etc; abusive technology and lots more.







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2 Responses to "Meria with Bev Conover, Editor of The Intrepid Report"

  1. pbraunschweiler says:

    These shows with you and Bev Conover are always excellent! Thanks to you both…

  2. Meria says:

    You are most welcome!We’ve been at it a long time..

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