
Meria With Richie Allen

5/10/19 Meria Interviews Richie Allen, producer/host of the Richie Allen Show in the UK. Richie’s done radio for ten years; who do you listen to? “alternative, independent”; No Korea – false flag? trump’s constant flip flops; Netanyahu; Venezuela; Gulf; WW3?; distraction? global economy; JFK; The Innocence Project; Sandra Bland; the movie “The Star Chamber”; prisons for profit and system of injustice; abortion; How people in the UK view the US; scandals in the UK; the “royal” family; pedophiles; James Hewitt and much more.








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2 Responses to "Meria With Richie Allen"

  1. pbraunschweiler says:

    Although I know it won’t come as a surprise to you or Richie, I LOVED this Interview! It’s so refreshing to listen to two people who owe nothing to anyone. Just the TRUTH, NO BS! Anyone who doesn’t believe that all of the “Elites”, at the very least support each other, and at the very worst, are related, are NOT paying attention. Pedophilia among the “Elites” seems to be rampant. shhhhhh! I have wondered the same thing that Richie brought up. William and Harry have GOT to know how/why their Mother was murdered. Yet, they pretend to respect the Queen and her evil husband, not to mention their Father. (well, apparently, at least for one of them) Anyhoo, there must be something, that normal people can’t understand, that makes them accept this obviously planned event against their Mother. GHW Bush is another example of how a family can ignore the truth and pretend that they are just an ordinary family. Cathy O’Brien would have another perspective on that, though! Thanks to both of you, and please Meria, bring this Irishman back as soon as possible! This week Richie, next week Chuck, two of my favorite guys…life IS good! 🙂

  2. Meria says:

    thank you. I enjoy speaking with Richie too. He’s always open to discussion, not arguing. Like normal grown ups! hugs

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