
Meria With John W. James Creator of The Grief Recovery Method


8/13/14 Meria interview co-Creator of The Grief Recovery Method, John W. James. The loss of a son brought John to grief and grief recovery;how to grieve; unresolved loss creates negative influence in your life;does time really heal? mourning colors;how often does the death of a loved one occur? 45 losses to grieve;death is hardest on survivors; feeling helpless; Don’t isolate yourself;Over reliance on intellect instead of emotions; grief is a hidden issue, similar to death – why? celebrity deaths;loss of a pet;what you learn is what you practice;swallowing your feelings;the cost of grieving;tears are very important;allow yourself to feel; the issue is a lack of knowledge; love or fear, happy or sad. Check out www.Tributes.com






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3 Responses to "Meria With John W. James Creator of The Grief Recovery Method"

  1. mysticjanet says:

    Just listened to this great show. Grief boils down to undelievered appreciation. how appropriate.
    How much this information needs to get to the medical community. As a former Hospice nurse and having the five stages of grief to relay to patients and family, how I wish the whole truth had been available. But I know allow my families the space to feel and let it all out!
    Comment to me after father’s death was “Isn’t it selfish of them to go and leave us!
    Liked your comments also Meria especially “Moving waters, Healing Waters”
    Wish you had more timeto explore the grief from empathy of current world situations. It’s saddness for others and also the saddness of the world we thought was going to happen isn;t due to those in power.
    And last I appreciated his phrase “Lack of Knowledge” as that speaks to me personally in other matters and something I will use often.

  2. Miroslav says:

    This show is no longer available ?

  3. Meria says:

    sorry about that. It may be one I had to remove to clear server space after doing over 5,000 shows.

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