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Conversations With David with Meria and David Icke
6/25/14 Conversations with David with Meria & David Icke. This show is dedicated to my pup Krystal who passed last night. The consciousness of dogs and animals;everything is conscious even water; holographic expressions;dominion; parasitical [...]

Meria With David Icke The Perception Deception
4/30/14 Conversations With David returns with Meria and David Icke. Today we discuss his latest book “The Perception Deception, Or It’s ALL bollocks-yes,ALL of it”. You have to understand reality to understand the conspiracy;control [...]

Meria With David Icke – Avatar, the Moon and More!
9/22/10 Meria interviews David Icke on the continuing series based on his latest book “Human Race Get Off Your Knees, the Lion Sleeps No More”. The control system of this world weakens, it is in process of being replaced; we are [...]