
True Science Hour with Meria and James McCanney

7/15/14 True Science Hour with Meria and James McCanney, Physicist and Mathematician;The world is in chaos by design;weather is a result, not a cause;storms are created by energy from outer space;jet streams;planned drought for California, [...]

Meria with James McCanney on Climate vs Weather

6/3/14 Meria interviews James McCanney,physicist, author, mathematician for a second time. Canada’s ban on climate change talk; Rothschilds and the weather sites; what causes the weather?energy and electricity passing the Earth all the [...]

Meria with James M.McCanney, M.S. The Electric Universe

5/6/14 Meria Interviews Physicist and Mathematician James McCanney M.S.  The Electric Universe and how it really works and affects us; sleepless night? Meteor storm;the Sun controls our climate; Obama is not president he’s middle management; [...]
