
The Bigger Picture with Meria and Michael Reccia

 8/16/17 The Bigger Picture, with Meria and Michael Reccia of Joseph Speaks.  Are we under attack? stopping us? there is more need for light now than ever; can we turn things around? war between light and darkness; compulsion of conscience;Your [...]

The Bigger Picture, with Meria and Michael Reccia

 6/14/17 The Bigger Picture, with Meria and Michael Reccia.  Don’t get offended by the word god, understand it; we’ve created this reality, we can change it from within; the absence of the sacred; chasing the divine; field of illusion; [...]

The Bigger Picture with Meria and Michael Reccia

 4/19/17 The Bigger Picture, with Meria and Michael Reccia.  Why do we have different races, sexualities, societies, etc? the beginning of our spiritual lives after this; progressive souls; mass hallucination; from head to the heart;John Lennon [...]

The Bigger Picture with Meria and Michael Reccia

 2/1/17 The Bigger Picture with Meria and Michael Reccia. His new book The Spaces Between ; the color yellow; the current state of things; politics can’t be changed; change comes from within; can’t be tackled physically; why did [...]

The Bigger Picture with Meria and Michael Reccia

 12/7/16 The Bigger Picture with Meria and Michael Reccia.  Family history -does it matter? Spiritual family/soul group; should we judge or evaluate? Let go of fighting ourselves; we are here to harmonize; time speeding up; put in the time; [...]
