
Tragedy and Hope with Meria & Richard Grove

10/1/24 Tragedy and Hope, with Meria & Richard Grove Historian Using the trivium method in everyday life; the best case of a worse case scenario; Autonomy course; think -don’t panic;ethical sale; problem solving; self and low confidence.The [...]

Hell & High Water, with Meria and Chuck Ochelli

5/28/24 Hell & High Water, with Meria and Chuck Ochelli Tornadoes and storms; Operation Popeye; controlling the weather out of control?; podcasts backed by Moderna; covid damage; Robert DeNiro, Mick Jagger; the gag order is a joke; trumps [...]

Meria With Miko Peled – Day of the Catastrophe

5/15/19 Meria Interviews Miko Peled, Israeli-American activist, author, speaker on Palestinian Nakba Day, and Israeli Independence Day. Following the path of the Buddha; the destruction of Palestine by white supremacist racists; the creation [...]

Tragedy and Hope with Meria and Richard Grove

 2/15/17 Tragedy and Hope, with Meria and Richard Grove.  the Election;Russian situation; tax returns? the right/left paradigm; the importance of doing research; divide and conquer; none of them represent us; Mike Flynn on ISIS; distraction [...]

Blood & Guts with Meria and Jack Blood

3/24/15 Blood & Guts with Meria & Jack Blood. Today’s show is simulcast on Radio Free Blood. Paid trolls-USA Today;rise in social media? post something about Israel or cops; Netanyahu’s fixed election;Who is Herzog? Zionist, [...]
