
Blood & Guts with Meria and Jack Blood

8/27/14 Blood and Guts with Meria and Jack Blood.  Crowdfunding for the birthday boy – send your donation to paypal, account JackBlood@hotmail.com; Supporting those who have been here since the beginning, dump pay t.v.; the ice bucket [...]

The Bigger Picture with Meria and Michael Reccia

7/9/14 The Bigger Picture with Meria and Michael Reccia, author of the Joseph Communications. Illusions and dreams;how to send light into the world; the heart center/chakra; visualization;before the Fall; fields of experiences;we altered the [...]

Meria with Dick Sutphen – Solid Gold

7/1/14 Meria Interviews author, teacher Richard Sutphen. This show is solid gold, originally aired on  December 13, 2000 and still holds up today. Back then the show was an hour and a half and listeners still wanted more. Some of what we cover: [...]

Will Tuttle -Living In Harmony With ALL Life

5/28/14 Thanks to Will Tuttle, you get to hear this entire lecture today! It’s fabulous. Meria heard it, asked Will if she could air it and he said yes! We are all related; recognizing the power of our meals;the great cover-up; the nature [...]

The Bigger Picture with Meria and Michael Reccia

5/14/14 The Bigger Picture returns with Meria and Michael Reccia. Very uplifting and informative show. How to deal with bullies and the PTSD they cause;What about assisted suicide and the soul? What about choosing suicide? Do we hold back people [...]
