
Blood & Guts with Meria and Jack Blood


8/27/14 Blood and Guts with Meria and Jack Blood.  Crowdfunding for the birthday boy – send your donation to paypal, account JackBlood@hotmail.com; Supporting those who have been here since the beginning, dump pay t.v.; the ice bucket challenge – monkey see, monkey do; where does the money for charities end up? another distraction; public opinion has changed on Israel; Ft. Dettrick and anthrax;ebola scare;Rick Perry one of the most corrupt governors ever;cops being trained to do what they do – Ferguson; “we are the enemy”; black in America; war on the poor; solutions and soulutions; how to start your day; negativity affects everyone around you; spirituality; how to be happy; the give a way and much more.





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4 Responses to "Blood & Guts with Meria and Jack Blood"

  1. pranicmegan says:

    Yay! Jack Blood … my favorite!

  2. pbraunschweiler says:

    In the midst of all the craziness in the news, it’s so refreshing to hear two friends give their perspective on life etc. What you discussed was interesting to me. Ever since I was little I’ve looked at life as a Play…Some people seem to like the drama, but I’ve always thought it would be better to make it a comedy. The curtain came down on yesterday, and everyday is the beginning of a new scene…make it a happy one…Since we’re the “director” of our life, it’s possible if we really want to…Thank you Meria and Jack for all you do, and for another fabulous Blood and Guts.

  3. valerie says:

    A great show, so much wisdom.

  4. guygirard says:

    Fun loved it Meria and Jack

    One of my close soul family incarnated as my white cat to keep me grounded in love frequency hehe.

    Hahaha @ Depends diapers

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