
Donate to the Show!



***It’s come to my attention that certain countries are not accepted by PayPal for subscriptions. You can send US. Postal Money Order or US funds to Meria Enterprises Inc. PO Box 1300, Payson, Az 85547 and Meria will add you to the subscriber list manually. Prepay the $149 for the year and save 3 months. 



4 Responses to "Donate to the Show!"

  1. wilmanorma@hotmail.com says:

    Hello Meria,

    I am mailing you my check for my subscriber renewal for this year’s payment to your P.O. box 1300 in Payson, AZ 85547. I will send it on 3/14/15.

    Here’s to a good year one can only hope.

    Sending love and light.


  2. Meria says:

    great, if you have any problems with your subscription before that, just let me know. I appreciate you hanging with me all 15 years! much love!

  3. james1 says:

    James from Virginia, just sent you a money order, hope you get it this weekend, I need your ‘Ape news’, I also wrote you a letter telling you about what happen to me last week, I think you’ll find, as I did, it is interesting, let know if you have any insights.
    Keep on truckin’

  4. Meria says:

    thanks James. I’ll let you know when it arrives! hugs

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