
Meria With Karen Davis, Founder of United Poultry Concerns


4/9/14 Meria Interviews Karen Davis, Founder and President of United Poultry Concerns. What is UPC? Why did she start it? Can people care about farm animals? are they dumb? Chicken the most abused animal second to fish; largest number of land animals slaughtered for food; Bill Gates Foundations support of KFC, etc in Africa; Is chicken less fattening than beef or healthier? see chickens as individuals not food products; social sophistication of chickens;roosters are great dads; turkeys are excellent mothers; the egg industry has no use for male chicks; all chickens end up tossed -hatchery debris; May 4th International Respect for Chickens Day; free newsletter on site; results of chickens tested for bacteria – 90-98% have salmonella and covered with poisonous bacteria;food poisoning bacteria later can cause arthritis and nervous system diseases;obesity;raised in cesspool conditions thus the antibiotics and much more. Chicks for Easter? No way.




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4 Responses to "Meria With Karen Davis, Founder of United Poultry Concerns"

  1. mysticjanet says:

    Very enriching interview; thanks for the introduction, it helps this newbie!
    I was surprised nothing was said about the “gag Ag” bills in many states. Which is a good example of how corporate has taken over our govt.
    Good to note the poisoning of the Veggies by meat product runoff.

  2. Meria says:

    You are welcome. I’ve covered the ag gag bill with Nathan Runkle when he was last on. Hugs

  3. debalexander2000@aol.com says:

    I loved that phrase “Give a cluck.” As if I didn’t already have enough reasons to be a vegetarian, along comes Karen! She has given me even more ammunition to fire off when people snidely introduce me as a non-meat eater.

  4. Meria says:

    me too

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