
Meria interviews Gia Heller-The StartUp Entrepreneur

 12/22/16  Meria interviews best selling author, the queen of social media Gia Heller author of “The Startup Entrepreneur, 100 Tips & Tactics to Implement NOW for SERIOUS Income”. Meria interviews her successful daughter Gia on how she went from poverty to reinventing herself and creating a whole new business. In these times of uncertainty the only way to survive economically is to have your own business. But what does it take? Great suggestions and ideas are given throughout the show. Contact Gia for a free class as a gift to my listeners at: Gia@TheSocialMediaMasters.com or get a signed copy of her book by going to paypal, account Gia@tnbe.org








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6 Responses to "Meria interviews Gia Heller-The StartUp Entrepreneur"

  1. guygirard says:

    Loved it Ladies

    I work for the universe ……er…..they dont pay much …..?

    i Am kidding, i am living a fixed fate 🙁 and one thing for sure at the moment working is not what i need to do …. i remember how many possibilities my oversoul went through to plan this lifetime he almost overloaded me just showing me a little bit of it .

    This means even if i dont like it at times ( realy hated parts of it ) i have to trust that path because it leads to success not of this life but of my soul mission.

    Each step i take now, is a blind fate one, with only a gut felling telling me if its right or not.

    my path is not to fit into this merry go round anymore or to take part in it but something only me and my true Partner can understand and since i dont remember who she is or when i will see her again, it makes this life pretty lonely at times.

    I am happy you ladies have made the best of your time here to love and be loved in return is all anyone can ask for in the coming times.

    I loved seeing how wonderfull your birth day went if only the little bit i saw on social media Meria , it was very heart warming.

    back to filtering the nutrinos for me 🙂


  2. pbraunschweiler says:

    Totally LOVED this show…two intelligent and beautiful women giving advice. Thank you Meria and Gia….HAPPY DAYS AND HAPPY NEW YEAR to you and your family!

  3. alidarens says:

    Wow!!! Great show ladies. Just purchased Gia’s book. You should do a monthly show. Love and felt the upbeat and positive energy.

  4. Meria says:

    thanks, I’ll run it by her, but she’s even busier than I am!

  5. Meria says:

    thank you Pat. I’m very proud of my family and you can see they are all a chip off the old block! Happy New Year to the World! hugs

  6. Meria says:

    Truthtelling doesn’t pay well as I know. Anyone rolling in $$ and claiming to be a truther is full of it. Glad you enjoyed
    the show, I did too! hugs

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