
The Bigger Picture with Meria & Michael Reccia

4/3/19 The Bigger Picture with Meria & Michael Reccia. Michael’s new book is here “The Spaces Between,Unseen Forces That Shape Your Life”. this is the last book in the Joseph series; the Field and the Fall; planet set to negative energy – how to avoid it; the oneness of life; we have to start caring before it’s all destroyed; the Earth matters! Raising your vibration is essential; Reiki; your signature light; protect yourself prior to spiritual work; what is in the unseen? influences that affect us mentally and physically; OBE’s; thought forms; parasitical beings; protect your Chakras; re-member yourself; knowledge is power; spirituality is a way of life; spirituality is fun and simple; inject your divinity into everything you do.









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5 Responses to "The Bigger Picture with Meria & Michael Reccia"

  1. pbraunschweiler says:

    Sorry that I’m late on commenting to “The Bigger Picture”. It is such a special show for me! Guess what, Meria? I think I had a copy of “the Spaces Between” before you did. What? Anyway, needless to say, I have loved every one of “the Joseph Communications” books. Michael Reccia and The Band of Light are a beautiful group who make it all possible. “The Spaces Between” captured me right from the beginning. I was raised Catholic (Irish Catholic, no less!) QUOTE from the book: “Religion helps you to fit into society, and religion’s view of Divinity and spisrsitual power is often on that is based on CONTROL and not one that is truly linked with the realities and truths of spiritual power an potential.” YES! I knew that from a very early age. My family always asked…”Do you HAVE to question EVERYTHING?” My answer was, is, and always has been…YES! Religion is not spirituality, at least in my opinion. Religion is all about rules, regulations, and control. Spirituality is a KNOWING deep in our soul. NO rules, just LOVE. This comment is a little late, but no less sincere. I love all that Michael Reccia and The Band of Light have done to bring the Joseph Communication Books to us. I realize that this will be the last one of the Series, but the Message is out there. It is up to US to make it happen. Much Gratitude and Love to all…

  2. Meria says:

    I’m glad you enjoy his work as much as I do. I can’t wait to get back to finishing the book. I always had that knowing as well. Thus it’s easy
    to see we are from the same soul group.

  3. pbraunschweiler says:

    We are from the same Soul Group. Of THAT I have NO doubt. (p.s. I’m not sure what happened to my keyboard when I wrote “spisrsitual” power. I know, you know, I meant “spiritual power”.) hugs 🙂

  4. debalexander2000 says:

    Listening to your shows for all these years has definitely kept me from ever falling into depression. I liked his statement that “things are not as they should be” and then go do something about it. I do want to put in a plug for your reiki instruction – there is no doubt that receiving my first and second level attunements from you many years ago (and spending daily time in my Universal Wheel per your book on the subject) has raised my vibrational status so that the vicissitudes of life never get me “down” and help me ward off the deadly kling-ons who try to suck my joy. Yay us!!!

  5. Meria says:

    thank you. That’s enough benefit of getting one’s reiki attune-ments. Of course with a REAL Reiki Master and I’ve met
    plenty of phonies like in every other profession. hugs

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