
The Bigger Picture, with Meria and Michael Reccia

6/2/21 The Bigger Picture, with Meria & Michael Reccia.

“The Spaces Between unseen forces that Shapes Your Life” continues; Seen & unseen shape your life; earth changes and our negativity, violence affecting them; We are merely tenants here on Earth; create a sacred space at home and in your mind – how?; Michaels new classes on youtube starting Friday the 4th “Step By Step Course in Higher Consciousness Living”; devas and our bodies; co-existence; vapor trails; the Akashic Records reside within; Edgar Cayce; prodigy’s; reincarnation as a group; the compulsion to wake people up; trust your teachers and readers; past lives. (see Meria’s video on How To Spot A Psychic Fraud” on site).



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