
Meria With John Potash -“The FBI War on Tupac Shakur”

1/5/22 Meria With Author John Potash on “The FBI War On Tupac Shakur”

Excellent investigative author John Potash returns to discuss his latest book “The FBI War On Tupac Shakur, State Repression of Black Leaders From the Civil Rights Era to the 1990’s”.  Tupac still appreciated by today’s youth; murdered at 25 thanks to the CIA’s war on activists; Why? the Black Panthers; black political rappers targeted; NYPD & LAPD & US Intel; cointelpro; Dave McGowan; Alan Freed; Who was Russell Poole and why were Stallone, DiCaprio & Depp’s movies canned? Death Row Records; the FBI & Tupac; 4,000 pages on Tupac with FBI; the controlled music/media industry; Tupac’s parents; several attempts on his life; tortured in prison; Benjamin Crump;Malcolm X, MLK;  the Big 6-Mainstream Media & CIA; totalitarianism and lots more.




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