
Meria with David Icke – the Coronavirus

3/5/20 Meria with David Ickethe Coronavirus

What’s the U.K.’s plan? who benefits? look to the outcome; Orwellian lockdown state? forced vaccines? censoring anti-vaxxers?evidences and coincidences; Wuhan’s Bio Safety Level 4 lab; World Economic Forum’s simulation; Gates Foundation; Israel says vaccine in 90 days? 5G; consider all possibilities; cause and effect; Holographic reality; world  cult; chaos is the currency of control; Problem-reaction-solution; economic upheaval towards a new system; Agendas 21 & 30; Artificial intelligence; psyops; Dr. Richard Day in 1969; depopulation agenda and AI; Divide and conquer; trump; and loads more. Stay calm.




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