
Meria with Dr. Charryse Johnson -Police Culture of Brutality

2/7/23 Meria With Dr.Charryse Johnson-Police Culture of Brutality.

Dr.Charryse Johnson, author of “Expired Mindsets:Releasing Patterns That No Longer Serve You Well” joins Meria today to discuss Tyre Nichols and the 229 black people killed by cops since George Floyd. Moms of black kids vs. moms of white kids; should the videos be broadcast? cops trained in Israel; cops trained to shoot to kill; White latitude (Utah); are cops really enforcing the law? the quick firing of the black officers; indicted isn’t convicted; police culture; police overhaul needed; cops own mental health problems; are blacks commodities (sports) or humans? E-racism; Police Reform Act; filter your social media and more.




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