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Welcome to the real world, separate from the matrix of lies we were raised with and are constantly fed. Your support helps keep the show clean of corporate corruption. Here is that ’safe’ spot you were looking for to comfort your mind and soul that you are NOT alone. By supporting media that supports you and NOT supporting the corporate media machine, you are participating in your own freedom.

Early Radio Days for Meria

Really look at where your money is going regarding mass media – newspapers, magazines, television and reconsider supporting them. Are you paying for lies and propaganda intent on mind and body control? Support real truth media and subscribe today.

Meria In Her Studio

$14.95 a month gets you access to the archives and all new shows as they come up. Subscriptions over $14.95 per month and all prepaid annual subscribers get Meria’s private email news updates.  See “About Meria” for more details!


How to Spot Psychic Frauds from Meria Heller on Vimeo.

what better referral?

Thank you so much, and enjoy the trip down the rabbit hole… Meria Heller Website Intro Video from Brett Noe Productions on Vimeo.


Why not subscribe right now? Subscribe online with NO PayPal account required! Select your subscription level and pay by credit card or PayPal using the buttons below. NOTE: After completing your transaction, within 5 minutes or so, you’ll receive your subscriber username and password. When you click on a show link, you’ll be prompted for this information. If you don’t receive your username and password, or if you encounter problems, please contact meria@meria.net for fastest help. If you use an ECHECK there will be a delay of several days until they clear and you receive your login info. Ready to join us? Click HERE to subscribe online.


Monthly RatesThe Meria Show Budget Subscription – $14.95 Access all areas and shows on Meria.Net.

The Meria Show Regular Subscription – $25.00 Includes all shows plus Meria’s private email news updates

The Meria Show Regular Subscription – $50.00 Includes all shows plus Meria’s private email news updates and an ebook of Meria’s – your choice!

The Meria Show Prepaid Annual Subscription – $149.95 Pay for 10 months, get 2 free. Access all areas on Meria.net, get Meria’s private email news updates PLUS an ebook of Meria’s of your choice.

 The Meria Show Lifetime Subscription – $1500.00 For those supporters who want to support the show in a big way – includes all 3 of Meria’s books in ebook format.

**It’s come to my attention that certain country’s payments are not accepted by Pay Pal. The way around this is to send U.S. Postal Money Order or U.S. funds by mail, and Meria will manually add your subscription. You can prepay the year that way and save 3 months. Don’t want anyone missing out! Send to: Meria Enterprises Inc., PO Box 1300, Payson, Arizona  85547. Thank you.

Mother Earth Loves The Meria Show!

**Meria now has full year DVD’s of The Meria Heller Show available from the year 2007 through 2013. If you would like to purchase a year or more, they are $100 per year mailed only in the U.S. & Canada. Simply make a $100 donation to her Pay Pal Account: Meria@Meria.net. Send Meria an email and let her know which year you would like including your mailing address. This is great for shows you may have missed or collectors/gifts.
