
Private Consultations With Meria


Intuitive Counseling..Reiki Healing..classes and more.


Meria is available for one on one consultations/classes  via the telephone, Skype,Facetime or in person. Would you enjoy speaking with Meria?  You can discuss anything going on in your life, the world or beyond.

Meria mixes her intuition, business experience and life experience to be the best “intuitive” coach you can possibly find. Meria considers herself a TEACHER first and foremost. She has taught Native American since the 1980’s and is the Founder of the Universal Medicine Wheel. She has taught metaphysics in New York, Arizona and Europe too. Meria has been doing “readings” professionally since 1985. Meria is also a Usui Reiki Master.  Meria uses her intuitive gifts daily to decipher the truth about what’s going on in the world, which she presents here on The Meria Heller Show and has since July of 2000.

Meria is also available for one on one in person classes for Reiki, Reiki Review Classes, Tarot,  the Universal Medicine Wheel in Arizona as well. 

If you’d like to learn the art of Tarot Card Readings Meria offers a 10 hour course for $1500. You can make the payment at the donate button below

If you already have Usui Reiki and need a refresher course, the first level is $300 (l hour) the second level is $500 (1 hour) and the Master Level review is $1,000 (2 hrs). Make the payment through the donate button below.


This is how it works: By arranging a consultation with Meria by going to Pay Pal and making payment to her account: Meria@Meria.net  you are agreeing to open your Akashic Records to Meria.(subscribers to the Meria Heller Show get $100. off  the 1/2 hr session). Subscribers need to make their discounted payment as a DONATION. 


That means she can look into your own projected life path before you came into body for this time and space in your life and give you the direction/coaching to achieve what you came here to do. Meria can always warn you of anything you need to avoid. Health problems are also discussed as Meria does medical intuiting. Meria uses her years of knowledge to help every individual realize their full potential and live the life they intended!

Once Meria is notified of your payment she will contact you via email to set an appointment.

***If you don’t hear from Meria within two days to set your appt, email her with your phone # or call 760-472-3620. Some emails are getting lost in the ethers or NSA’s files.If you’re with AOL they block Meria, so definitely send your phone number. Your payment reserves the time and spot for you. 

All you’d need do is decide how much time you want with Meria, and make payment.

Book the Session of Your Choice Now! Note the 3 half hour sessions at discount!

Consultations With Meria

***It’s come to my attention that certain countries are not accepted by PayPal for subscriptions. You can send US. Postal Money Order or US funds to Meria Enterprises Inc. PO Box 1300, Payson, Az 85547 and Meria will add you to the subscriber list manually. Prepay the $149 for the year and save 3 months.



Meria also works successfully with therapists, psychiatrists, coaches to reach the issues they may be having problems reaching with their clients:

*Human beings will never understand how blessed they are to have you in this matrix. I don’t understand how someone as pure and beautiful as you could have every come to realm to try and help those in oh so much need. Your amazing you are a light worker a true blessing from source the God in you shines so bright It lights up this prison. I know your getting older in age and I’m so jealous because your getting your boarding ticket out of here oh so soon. I am only 22 so I have only a small amount more of “time” here than you but it’s so amazing you are almost to the end of this journey. I love you and love the God that roars inside of you from the bottom of my soul. -Mary

*It is interesting Meria, a month or so ago you said my timeline suggests a house is coming in 3-5 months. I offered one one at my price yesterday, they countered, I stood firm but compromised on non-monetary issues and the bid was accepted today. I agreed to hold off closing till Oct 10, about 4 months from your guidance. You stated I should be frugal, that was on my mind at offer and counter offer. It paid off. You also said finances would begin to improve about the same time. It turns out a couple of the positions I have been sitting on for several years are making significant progress commercializing their products and services. Things seem to be falling into place, I have kept your guidance active in my thinking and believe I am benefiting from paying attention, thank you.Your shows have been wonderful, I tell folks about you at every opportunity. Best. -Doug


*You mentioned during last phone session that I should ask my hypnotist to take me back when I was 8 years old and even that had to do with water. Well it worked!!! There were a lot of blocks that originated in that event, when I was drowning, there were a lot of things about low self esteem etc. Going to that event allowed me to get to the core of the problem, whereas without going directly to that age I don’t think I would have been able to solve that as quickly in hypnosis. -E.

*Meria,You always help and I always listen to what you say thoughtfully and make the necessary changes as much as I am able. I’ve listened to many intuitives through the years and nobody comes close to your accuracy. Your accuracy is stunning. And I like that you give practical, common sense advice, including the hard stuff because it’s right. That’s integrity!I am always grateful that I found you. Thank you, thank you, thank you!Much love,

When I was in my 20s I went to a few psychics.I was never impressed. And I don’t ever remember feeling uplifted and encouraged by a psychic reading.
So I decided to just work on my own spiritual vision and abilities and quit getting readings.
However, about 10 years ago, I heard about a spiritual visionary who was supposed to be really gifted. The REAL DEAL. And not just some ordinary psychic, but a truly gifted SEER who had remarkable abilities.
Well, that woman is Meria Heller. And she gave me the most amazing reading those many years ago, most of which have come true. Since then, I have had several readings with her and I have always I found her to be positive and uplifting and I always have felt great after a reading with her. And she has given me great insights about many things.
So I would like to highly recommend her!

*Dear Meria,

I just listened to the tape and it is such a joyful experience to hear your wisdom, your  highly evolved spirituality, your incredible sense of humor and the passion with which you share your insights.

You are a blessing in my life and to the world. I keep you in my prayers. Thank you!

Much love,  from Elke



The Universal Medicine Wheel     


Remember you are not alone and you are here for a GOOD time, not a long time. If that’s not the case, set up an appointment and get started on the most exciting part of your life!

How to Spot Psychic Frauds from Meria Heller on Vimeo.


760-472-3620 to leave a message.

(subscribers to the Meria Heller Show get $50. off  the 1/2 hr session). Subscribers need to make their discounted payment as a DONATION. ($150.)

