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Awaken With Meria & Monnica
6/20/23 Awaken With Meria and Monnica
The difference between a reading and therapy; parent yourself; stop blaming your past; spirituality is all about love; We we do what we do; brain power-how to increase it; dreams teach us a lot; choice [...]

Golden Oldie: Take Off Your Glasses and See ! Meria & Jacob Lieberman
6/7/23 Golden Oldie with Jacob Lieberman, O.D.
For years you’ve heard Meria mention this book and interview. Today she found it in an old format. Figured out how to convert it and here it is. Originally recorded 12/8/04 so the intro & [...]

Tragedy and Hope, with Meria & Richard Grove
5/31/23 Tragedy and Hope, with Meria & Richard Grove.
17th year anniversary of Project Constellation! Since then we have become a nation departed from reality; how times have changed: shootings, police state, racism, hatred; Correctivism; [...]

Awaken With Meria and Monnica
5/16/23 Awaken With Meria and Monnica.
Todays topic is loneliness; connecting to the other side; loneliness leads to depression and it’s a choice; aloneness is totally different; Being a psychic child; stop living in the past; be true [...]

Meria with Patricia Cori – Episode 5 of “Hacking the God Code”
5/2/23 Meria With Patricia Cori -Episode 5 of “Hacking The God Code”
This show is dedicated to my sister Rose Rubino who passed over yesterday; AI is all over the news now that the horse is out of the barn; How do we pull the plug [...]