
Awaken With Meria and Monnica

3/27/24 Awaken with Meria & Monnica Where are your eyes? Eye Patterns and how to recognize them; how to tell if someone is lying; left hand, right hand; shifty eyes; the “tell”; body language and emotional state; looking up [...]

Meria With Patricia Cori Episode 8 – Hacking the God Code

3/5/24 Meria With Patricia Cori, Episode 8 -Hacking the God Code. Today we continue reviewing “Hacking the God Code, The Conspiracy To Steal The Human Soul” by Patricia Cori. the increasing side effects of the “vaccine”; [...]

Awaken With Meria & Monnica

2/20/24 Awaken With Meria & Monnica Todays topic: death, karma, reincarnation; is there life after life? ; going back home; greeted with love; leaving is less painful than arriving; why reincarnate?; what goes on on the other side?; Oversoul/Higher [...]

Meria with Dr. Barry Krakow -Life Saving Sleep

2/7/24 Meria with Dr. Barry Krakow -Life Saving Sleep Having trouble sleeping or staying asleep? Meria’s guest Dr. Barry Krakow is a sleep medicine specialist. You can get his free newsletter here; His latest book:Life Saving Sleep:New [...]

Tragedy and Hope with Meria and Richard Grove

1/30/24 Tragedy and Hope, with Meria & Richard Grove. The similarities between 10/7 and 9/11; Promise Software; insider trades weeks before; Operation Jericho Wall; One world under blackmail; the Underground History of America“;Rothschilds [...]
