
Meria with Matthew Delooze – the Reptilian Agenda

9/17/07 Matthew DeLooze – the reptilian agenda. His latest book: Is it Me for A Moment? Breaking the Serpent’s Spell”. Nothing will seem the same after this interview. Meria loves Matthew’s work. SUBSCRIBE TO LISTEN

Meria With Patrick Wood – The secret Trilateral Commission

9/5/07 Meria interviews Patrick Wood, Editor of the August Review on the Trilateral Commission – un-elected, flying under the radar….big piece of the shadow government… SUBSCRIBE TO LISTEN

Meria With Jeane Palfrey – the DC Madam – Suicided

7/31/07 Kicking off the 8th year of the Meria Show, Meria interviews Jeane Palfrey, the “DC Madam”. Does she sound suicidal to you? She was suicided a few months later, while Vitter, Diaperman is still running for office in Bizarro-Land [...]

Meria With Eric Jon Phelps – Vatican Assassins-the Jesuits

5/3/07 Eric Jon Phelps “Vatican Assassins, Wounded in the House of My Friends” exposes the Jesuits and those who avoid covering it. Luciferians, Sons of Loyola, Jesuit’s wars and more. Remember the Jesuits are at the top of [...]

Meria With Rowland Morgan – Flight 93 Revealed

4/30/07 Rowland Morgan joins Meria to discuss the BEST book on Flight 93 ever  – Flight 93 Revealed, What Really Happened on the 9/11 “Let’s Roll” flight”. Anyone that can believe the official story and fantasy [...]
