
Meria With Dave Gardner- World Population Balance

4/7/20 Meria with Dave Gardner – World Population Balance Meria interviews Dave Gardner, executive director of World Population Balance. Does overpopulation have anything to do with the coronavirus? 8 billion and counting; forcing women [...]

Meria with Matt Landman -Frankenskies

 2/7/18 Meria interviews Matt Landman, producer of the excellent film “Frankenskies“. Geo-Engineering since 1923;cognitive dissonance;historical timeline through the years;Agent Orange and Project Popeye in Vietnam;weaponizing the [...]

Cleaning House – Literally

 6/8/17 Meria interviews Myrna Atha and is joined by her daughter Gia too. Myrna is a champion of green clean living. Air, Water,Food, but what about our homes? pollution in our homes and bodies; are you damaging your immune system thinking [...]

Golden Oldie: Meria with Craig Chalquist, PhD

12/30/14 Golden Oldie: Meria interviews Craig Chalquist, PhD on the mental aspect of our environmental crisis. It all fits in together folks…aired 1/31/08.             SUBSCRIBE TO LISTEN     Information [...]

Meria with James M.McCanney, M.S. The Electric Universe

5/6/14 Meria Interviews Physicist and Mathematician James McCanney M.S.  The Electric Universe and how it really works and affects us; sleepless night? Meteor storm;the Sun controls our climate; Obama is not president he’s middle management; [...]
