
Blood and Guts with Meria and Jack Blood

12/17/14 Blood and Guts with Meria and Jack Blood. Technology-blessing or curse? Russia’s currency dropping like a rock, US sanctions-economic warfare;slow walk to WW3? the globalist economy;Congress just sold all of us out;expect a major [...]

Blood and Guts with Meria and Jack Blood

11/26/14 Blood and Guts with Meria and Jack Blood. The real issue in Ferguson: Militarized police killing with immunity and impunity; 500 a yr killed by cops, 3 dead from Ebola; the difference between selling out and integrity;the hubris of [...]

Blood and Guts with Meria and Jack Blood

10/22/14 Blood and Guts with Meria and Jack Blood. The old days for Meria and Jack at KFNX radio; the stolen election of 2000, what part did the new “ebola czar” play? Who is Ron Klain? Another Bush coming to office? “great [...]

Blood and Guts with Meria and Jack Blood

9/24/14 Blood & Guts with Meria and Jack Blood. 7th Country on Bush’s list hit – Syria; US switched sides in Syria, no one noticed; Chaos-beheadings-Middle East Union; no congressional approval (once again); new terrorists groups;Dr.Strangelove [...]

Blood & Guts with Meria and Jack Blood

8/27/14 Blood and Guts with Meria and Jack Blood.  Crowdfunding for the birthday boy – send your donation to paypal, account JackBlood@hotmail.com; Supporting those who have been here since the beginning, dump pay t.v.; the ice bucket [...]
