
Meria With Doctor Donald Miller – Avoid the Flu Shot Take Vitamin D3

12/2/08 Meria Interviews Dr. Donald Miller, Cardiac Surgeon, Professor of Surgery at University of Washington, Seattle on the Flu vaccine vs. Vitamin D. dangers of the flu vaccine; 70% of doctors and health care practitioners REFUSE the flu [...]

Meria With Shelly Kalnitsky – Cell Phones and Your Health!

2/29/08 Meria interviews Shelly Kalnitsky of cprnews.com about cell phone dangers. Is that call giving you a tumor? the laws on cell phone and driving; feel heat, headaches, short term memory loss, loss of sleep?; wired headsets 3x the radiation; [...]

Meria With Dr. Bernie Siegel “Love, Magic & Mudpies – Our kids!”

3/20/07 Meria interviews one of her favorite healers – Bernie Siegel, M.D. on his book “Love, Magic & Mudpies, Raising Your Kids to Feel Loved, Be Kind, and Make a Difference”. love and laughter and your kids. Fabulous [...]
