
True Science Hour with Meria and James McCanney, M.S.

10/14/15 True Science Hour with Meria and Physicist James McCanney, M.S.; The ruse of our political process; Hillary most dangerous person in the world; Next President;Pope’s visit symbolic; UN agendas to bring in worldwide communism [...]

True Science Hour with Meria and James McCanney,M.S.

9/29/15 True Science Hour with Meria and James McCanney,M.S., physicist, mathematician;Mercury retrograde and the Blood/Blue Moon;Communications affected Skype, F/B, my town -owned by C.I.A., the police force of the World bank;entering a cycle [...]

True Science Hour with Meria and James McCanney,M.S.

1/20/15 True Science Hour with Meria and James McCanney,M.S., physicist and mathematician. Show starts with geo-engineering – chemtrails; Many programs involved in chemtrails; spraying different things at different times; non-commercial [...]

The True Science Hour with Meria and James McCanney

  11/18/14 The True Science Hour with Meria and James McCanney, Physicist.The extreme cold weather across the country; Deviation from normal weather map; Polar vortex? Made up word no such thing; the Sun is putting out a lot less energy; [...]

True Science Hour with Meria and James McCanney

9/16/14 True Science Hour with Meria and James McCanney. The Vatican funded telescopes in Az, S.America and Antarctic – what are they looking for? Is Halle-Bopp Niburu? Why the interest in the Southern Hemisphere? NASA looks for a direct [...]
