
Tragedy and Hope with Meria and Richard Grove

5/31/16 Tragedy and Hope returns with Meria and Richard Grove. Little Lucas, another reason to do what we do;freedom/tyranny/collectivism;political correctness;first amendment (tee shirts here);elections – voting for slavery;true history;Project [...]

Meria with Rick Simpson -Run From The Cure

11/18/15 Meria interviews Rick Simpson Author & activist on the healing properties of Cannabis. The movie on you tube: Run From the Cure; Instructions to make the oil and how to take it on Rick’s site; Rick is NOT connected to any [...]

Solid Gold: Meria with Kitty Kelley on the Bush Dynasty

10/20/15 After 10 years finally able to reconstruct this fabulous interview with Kitty Kelley on her book “The Family.The Real Story of the Bush Dynasty”. Her own family gave her crap over the book; lost her job on the Washingtonian [...]

Blood and Guts with Meria and Jack Blood

1/28/15 Blood and Guts with Meria and Jack Blood. Blizzard of news; Shades of Hurricane Sandy;protesting the weather channel to cover geo-engineering;Chris Kyle-American Sniper -war propaganda;Control belief system;de-stabilizing the world;troops [...]

True Science Hour with Meria and James McCanney,M.S.

1/20/15 True Science Hour with Meria and James McCanney,M.S., physicist and mathematician. Show starts with geo-engineering – chemtrails; Many programs involved in chemtrails; spraying different things at different times; non-commercial [...]
